Ahs Daylily Database (2024)

In the world of gardening, few plants boast the versatility, beauty, and resilience of daylilies. These vibrant perennials are cherished by gardeners worldwide for their striking blooms, easy care requirements, and ability to thrive in various climates. If you're passionate about daylilies or eager to start your journey into the world of gardening with these delightful flowers, the American Hemerocallis Society (AHS) Daylily Database is your ultimate guide. Let's delve into this invaluable resource and uncover the secrets it holds for daylily enthusiasts.

Understanding the AHS Daylily Database

The AHS Daylily Database is a comprehensive online repository that houses a wealth of information about daylilies. From basic botanical details to in-depth cultivar descriptions, this database serves as a one-stop destination for both novice and experienced gardeners alike. Managed by the American Hemerocallis Society, the database is continuously updated with new cultivars, hybridization techniques, and cultivation tips, making it an indispensable tool for anyone interested in daylilies.

Navigating the Database

Upon entering the AHS Daylily Database, users are greeted with a user-friendly interface that allows for easy navigation. The homepage offers various search options, including browsing by cultivar name, hybridizer, or specific characteristics such as color, size, and bloom time. Additionally, the database provides advanced search features, allowing users to filter results based on specific criteria to find the perfect daylily for their garden.

Exploring Cultivar Profiles

Each cultivar listed in the AHS Daylily Database is accompanied by a detailed profile that provides essential information for gardeners. From bloom size and color to petal shape and fragrance, these profiles offer a comprehensive overview of each daylily's characteristics. Furthermore, users can access photos of the cultivar in various settings, enabling them to visualize how it will look in their own garden.

Learning from Expert Advice

In addition to cultivar profiles, the AHS Daylily Database features articles, guides, and educational resources contributed by experienced growers and hybridizers. These resources cover a wide range of topics, including planting and care tips, pest and disease management, and hybridization techniques. Whether you're a novice gardener seeking guidance or an experienced enthusiast looking to expand your knowledge, you'll find valuable insights within the database's extensive collection of articles.

Benefits of Using the AHS Daylily Database

Access to Rare and Unique Cultivars

One of the most significant advantages of the AHS Daylily Database is its vast catalog of cultivars, including many rare and unique varieties. Whether you're searching for a specific hybrid or hoping to discover something new, the database offers unparalleled access to a diverse array of daylilies from around the world.

Reliable Information

With its commitment to accuracy and reliability, the AHS Daylily Database ensures that users can trust the information provided. Whether you're researching a cultivar's growing requirements or seeking advice on hybridization techniques, you can rely on the database's expert-reviewed content to guide you in your gardening endeavors.

Community Engagement

Beyond its wealth of information, the AHS Daylily Database fosters a sense of community among daylily enthusiasts. Users can connect with fellow gardeners, share experiences and tips, and participate in forums and discussions. This sense of camaraderie adds depth to the gardening experience and allows individuals to learn from each other's successes and challenges.


In conclusion, the AHS Daylily Database is a valuable resource for anyone passionate about daylilies. From its extensive catalog of cultivars to its wealth of educational resources, the database provides everything a gardener needs to cultivate beautiful and thriving daylily gardens. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or a novice gardener, the AHS Daylily Database is your gateway to unlocking the beauty of these beloved flowers.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How do I access the AHS Daylily Database? To access the AHS Daylily Database, simply visit the American Hemerocallis Society's website and navigate to the "Daylily Database" section. From there, you can explore the database's features and search for cultivars that interest you.

2. Is the AHS Daylily Database free to use? Yes, the AHS Daylily Database is available free of charge to anyone interested in daylilies. Simply create an account on the American Hemerocallis Society's website to access the database and start exploring its wealth of information.

3. Can I contribute to the AHS Daylily Database? Yes, the AHS Daylily Database welcomes contributions from members of the daylily community. Whether you have photos, cultivation tips, or hybridization techniques to share, your contributions are valuable in enriching the database and helping fellow gardeners.

4. How often is the AHS Daylily Database updated? The AHS Daylily Database is updated regularly to ensure that users have access to the latest information and cultivars. Updates may occur monthly, quarterly, or as new information becomes available from hybridizers and growers.

5. Are there any mobile apps available for accessing the AHS Daylily Database? While there may not be dedicated mobile apps for the AHS Daylily Database, the website is optimized for mobile browsers, allowing users to access its features and resources from any device with internet connectivity.

Ahs Daylily Database (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.