The Burr Oak from Juneau, Wisconsin (2024)

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The Burr Oaki

Juneau, Wisconsin

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'V 5 37 I fWotn of 1 'wi 4 i UK 4 ll 5f 1 id in? assortment ofpat tr 1 a ins DE ing 7 3 1 V1' JS 4 I ST I kJ ringeLEAN ash boots Cadres' sbdesWeveYy fur lined'oveshd'ivit'lp Ytibbcrl faoftHand slides pf iwi' 7 rnp 8'd'W f7 RIDAYDEC22 1854 if Newspaper Agentlis IkbnliTdiithbyisd Agent for this paper in the cities of Boston ew'York and Philadelphia and: isduly MffiMAitYlMifCAAfGp' I Richfield Watfungtop 'ooutentVMM droyedby fire during the hight ofjthp UiU Jnafcrt cultv (hot the inmates made their esqape ilfe SS'W wjecuwL om V4 SH tMrJS ivi 4JX' MiSW' A TOi auurariB jfi LE tended wffiimtiwiED ihe faosyixfhiAj THE SUBSC RlBERtV7ISHES TO contract fori a of Tamarack Poles 14 friet'in lengtbJdfbe'idelivered in Juneau withinntbe next fourweeks Rn BWE'NT WORTH JufiemZ TZ IT Th ffl Lius od UbH emcpjiQpyernrnent of the State of WiscdnsinandLZEerritory of Mm nesota and all dthenft havirihad work done? by ort dealings witfe Jh fiinirjaJISl iJQSN BERNARD tJpj twitfirn Winneconne a ftneoT tYTlTheumpHon of7copperJn the jUnitedStateajput down Andi iftOQQ tens about 1 BOfttqns 93 try About fOOOons are eonsumed by the rofijng miild dlAUti orerVthe tf ffitte WA "waj 'CnmreerosIzYber'worlrl' oedtaim'ng Seven roRrog mills rand throe smelting faruaeea ip tf State? '1 vrd I edl zKrt tb gyrr von JT fMjWehavf untflbandiRl vefyconvenient fdr rri of Treasurer's Alan Zs Ta eceiptk a a a a bun rb'i jJtwZ'U Rtijlyaptqsigneyjby (hqsnbscjfiberf $js snid Tftewaj obtaiiMHl by fraud ad false pre? tnceK JandZwiir not Lii paid JSaitl note ivas byTrancia's Veftr'TSSI DecJ 1854'1 HIM ntq Drugs and Medicines Wwa Agents for the sajle of Wistafis Balsam' of Wild Cherry GuytoltTYeUowDock and and all foWcV selling ''tiK'il i a Burr Oak Office Dec 8 jcloficUentidh tbbusineaaahd fair dealing Dealer in eroceriea Hardware dr modi nails dfCj'dppeWji' 1 V'VjJLi infov auuivn 11 llaly A)! shVl' A'tbbiceMlectlon tAtioheryand STANDARDSCHOOLBOOKS Together witlifiill andhalf bduridEedgefs Journal? Records Docket Also Pass Booksr Memo randoms and Poc 1 ket Books con thenajlowpd ORDERS' ROM ABROAD Promptly jgtpdyqj n'jnustbe accom panied with a5patternofjtho ruling required VU1W7 AZV0WU KJVVlinjr New YorkMftrtBttiiainT Philadel phia N' cornerZThird and Chestnut A'O Zrr ti to 1 AME intoghe enclosnrorof Mbehsiib'X1Z the ft rsVbfi I Octo ber deep size The owner is pibve property pay charges 'and tHkevhftway 'AA A' ALONZOLLAMPHEAR Oak Grove Nov 27 18'54cj r4wX a wyPj me a worse state than when I left your Pills And nibbed some of your Oiht pent on mj aed jr eight weekrwaa completely cuted am Health and strengtlL 'jnsr es an account of a new invention which i juitpi jhrnr vfi: jo enp'nnrj nn sii'tsk bids fair to work a revolution in the proa yc jui lull) tion oC banknotes The inventor is ax an irt roU Aj A kee who has contrived by photography tA manufacture spurious bank bills which de i ir iHoda no 7Gfm sni Ans wi 1 ty detection As a test the ipventor took from iKe refiiden 0 tiankm NewYdrlc MU' li'e fowinayreWriStwit'an iiiii JS TUiryV ff tatiom wmch so cjosely resembled the gen a 1' A rr 1 4 I 7niuJtT rXU44t fell trt tny his own 4)111 tie" deposithu the spu hJoWl! Thtnhi? Unibtom aeclared that raT were paper currency? faiHnkJ uno ybmitsci vlao par La Ji rL UPjp xl nr vTH SUpSeRfBElVbh 'the1 k'sieroneyear old" (Wbife p'bikt? aOIegs ffiis The owner tbrove propertv paycharges5aDriitakebiin atray i 7 od Rip uio BARNEYrDALEYJ'1 AshippunDec! 81b 4854iJ4vbvl2iKy "riJ ih jvv111' f) Bindery 01 A li? )Xij 'WTTOULD' rpecffullyiiiffirm 'their 'iJld irtnalJ that? tlidy JiavjeremovJdthteif'swi B9QK BXNDJNGiESTABLISHMENT Tothehuildiug bnlMotnsft hcxt jdooYto tile jUjiited' Suites Hotel whty they coni timieipIfnauUfactureftitofi order frbm the BESTMATERI AL: TOa BEvEOUND WESTijOErTHEs'LAKES4c' rliO shill Qft qveXy kind and r'desStiption of binding addjtnnng ithz? ptintingJVUiii required for thehuseipf Counties Corpora tions or Individuals 'Mlimij Particular attention will be givpn to the 1 Waupdiiifcq imnjedf by thl meEv Wlth 'jits imtira feddUhDohsisting'of the futniiurd taH tab WW Vs JMrAuditqrpunnex presses theb4 lief that all tlih paper IfrBanJw of that State at pari within lliehext 'these' v'4Pf and Counselor afykaw Il' 'J vlvvv niirVa 1 tjitt traie4 sizewjzoo redhead 2Srereopy afm foTibalftbyj A whTttEmohk aCq successors JuIy 20185aX 1 Avrgobd Xfid assortment of pat terns as can be' Attorhisy lind counselor law ox Podge county LWis y2nlj: iWe can say itoi the 'Public dW receiving! thegreatest an dbest assbrtffient that tbaaq ver tbi8 Together with theXboveVmay be foundth good assortmenhof trimmirigsm EU no We have now on hand an eWkritstbck all the iiewS and desirabld the? seison whichwill bej sold astonishingly JowX We havoIfib'wlOh KarTd lalfull astertmept of Doe Skins ash mer etts £rmine tisT weeds mol'I iVolyet rich'Yestings eteXeti? 41 OB Ufli O1 Or 1 cheese lard eggs paper rags ete for which thCvbJghestjiricea will be paid al paper of JCon port i ingsorthe coming session with his usual Ciddelity These reports extend to mvolvmggrt laTwr and expense Bni wuwwngress pays a iarge part of the ek i a a 4 5teke4plaee7of f7J Auuse wno Jp Tor reference the full pro ceedings ftC Pgngtesv pc ift the estimation of those who woukHearn what is done in Congress free? artiir jbias ly OToJ? made up fremenijrm gptteVf nd revised by their authors In addition tp fm io tlUln fpwi wftpp Yd these he will publish a weekly paper called the Tuesday's Congressional Globe taining each debate oh dv ery importantjsubjectiscUfldrjdurmgahe preceding week arranging th am es Af the speakers pfoahdsifonilaudjfjresenting the points dicussed and leadingiargumeiitk on each sidegiRejyfeahUnltbOi mod in which forensicbriefe arerpreparedJbibTbie weekly will aljwntajfpi eiguand do mestic news and wills doubtless be a very useful paper! time to read the Congress This Weekly Jpap'er willfbe to every fofi Globe and 5 to "those 'wlm' thk the wcekly 'alone1 the Wcd Aviire2 a year ThdTolldwihg are tit*' tertris of tl4 several publications' uwo vru i'I tbMlgir5f rnnb 7 or one copy oJhePaijy be one ypar 00 rfsJ1WRblhen forje price wiUbe figyts a month or auApej dix during the comiyg Where banjfi notes under arepraljibed by law oykppoA befeadUyi obtained IilLsejJO copies forA5 fnnr and so jomaty that mtej or Tuesday SCopgressiona Globe one year $2bfi? inonthiL Subscrip tions for less than six months will notbe received1 ijcj OrdeiforWC Appendix! or 5 f6i Co'ngrfeisioHM G16td shoftia WKf th'e 7 th' of ber to seiure all The Daily Globisow' in and will 6r sent 'from the day za 'r iJ A5 "drdet2 fm atiy Jf fth6' papei4' mnl Be accompanied tlltf fapefili hot Bifhk'dte? cur re'nt'5yh'ef8' subscribe'r Vesiil wilt be3 re' ceived 'at pWrP 'i jj lnj: HOicxi Tod moil riio'2 Milwaukee'S Watertown ted fts14 vt)v Lan (j ubh I 3ChP Oit jtrajuof passenger narg left this cityyesterdayfor Watertown WheqaboiW three miles from thecitythe IPQinuteUengipr wiis bafflg findjGpthediffioultyrItj wasiat laijt top (pjbtbe Aoiiaetyvaa cloggedf and deft no the jsmokq oThoqbonnet was Raised and baniedback pn jfeey vent cpijPtoRrikinhat aajlie they ayfrjjTheafldisexftdingiyiStraigbtpaqdiwheu ballastedjwid bpj'WJ tnjBopthl jgathejtfdiJ QpOnpWoepittOjSeqlhe jfcrtr awsmj io yhoihq jjwt frpmP9ity1paftefJl I pfgu hxceUeDtBinnerpfturke Jig byMn ljay ingauplejOfshpurs the vjllre leaving stages no rnpectwiththe parapfe £tpp QfiOBOjRpyvto fWatertpwfl 75 McL JlS the ox Dake'Road four mjlea west edto proyeA property pay clu Ttenton Nor 24th 1854 TAME into Enclosure of i feip) fi vnjilh( sduthofi Ayu the 20th of November a Jipedrback cow 8 years nldjjfrith spnift whUc qi her flanks Also a three year eil spotted steer with llCGhaa'rI Nov)ir6 Wo i'K4 iA AZ rl Caution Rye61 Oorn455ti Potatoes 456 fw1' 4 WT Uecimnli pi rit the infei 4 vAj'htivoftl1 th6fr Wl xB lsi vrnl WIW til E7rr vf 'iar Mis PaRiHgton'iywhftste kPQJf QJc JJull phiyo pf Im PWR horns iiaw finol 16 rfnorfT mini cfeiirzahrt oil Those of you who know lyourselvesito be indebted to Subscriptions) Adver hfob vj out 15 vohj TcJiolmootickets or for any other service are re uh utvii whs ridivvutj vinn quesdy officeof arid 'settle the saibe our earliest jeon ve niencdtiTh'bboks tandaccounta ism ivi th I jtwokth' fdr 1 settle ow i 'anh JcnptW ul rm ia accounts then unsettled will be put in pro micsm vlr lo iriaj 5 i3 IiWf iH )J 110 fti Os I flBO O'v The this tiieir n'ew offices' to be wh therGU'rV pf'lfce1 SupervsprsHak possession'5 6f theif new rbpmsj that 'a' of tin Ve vair tliefcinr: W6s doubt4 if 'any two offices Th EaveXeelisb disorderly The foA thghthe hot keptjup attrite of 'iionfasidti1 Notis the office 'of of tfeDrilif firiich4 bettef state? legal profes sion and suitors hope better Horace Patch Esq the A the bf 'thA Board' have sufficient pride in the'newibuildirig enotigh' td tbislofficdr td'secure rittentidh the bffiee: District' Altdiriey to tAke1 possesion of Regis'rild Of fice in thecriurf1 housel 4 03 We'WilW Prful 5Juneau the heeds nd lieoriiSrd 'lfeitxJhC County Treasurer the credit kSttai0 their' offif c4C hrd to' 'faitfiftiilj? niyn riadhri vn v'l t4 PoicDakd3 mV oil) tpnei i PV Wishebyj i Th9) buri ppLate spyi tow PPJyi niiioJni i poJ id 'JpuhivH Esq' priBliillef PoTOiiyRibli'drda ife'UVM iairribiifties anef highly respectedbyaH wlio had ilie fasure rif ah acquaintance witniffM0 1'ni d'diz' rH olJ Lbn7 trir 1 uiu? Pab MjCj Worship 2ir(1 citizens vicinity'' are isl mtef Vield village' oil atvfrMrihh ffnday the pritli aiiii' 8 ikt'inlt' crifn'fne'ric 'at ribftfihued (with the usual irU terrmssions) until the 1st day 6f January I $b5 Rev Preiiding fdef of will' attendance JurieahDjHi grig ritl wnuil 'io ttff 1 Ill I I L' fu jg iChfr BoNRsi ThetWatertown iThe proposition istobekubmif tedtojourpeople onxMonday of jssujng4hebonds of the city to the mnpii jf 20 Win aict'bt Rl 'tWirgd fb th Wason that ifre need tAodij i yjl voter was takerfb'ri Monday lasand rrumrit SOdygkitopV 2'4d I JCSBTHoIloway a Pills aCure for Adh maticaj Goughs' and disorders of the chestKt id It i 4IV4 ItUtWVl' i'i AHu A rrAYtilAmfin vtaIi Irnnarn enlf Wir fl a resident of New Orleans thus writes to i'r i a ti Ti XT COLT TAKEN UP! ri II 1 JB he 'subscriber di 2 7 th riltTri Bay year ling with in ret charges and take her ajvav Df 'EDiNGMANr Chester Nov 4 1854 4w6 zrAeuvenaiid 17 1 ER Petro leu tn Jlpck pi A I yrihklirral twlinrieehrdreiiiedy? fur various diseases near Pitts borgbtPa in 1849isot a beautiful £ed 'dish 'Colbr'ancl clearfs i nd id rn a 1 1 i as 1 1 ms Wt n'g jis JXcrpfuli rigue rbeiipOatiiptikffidieeaareej bur pi I ia bocas orq ey esc ha swelling burns and scales Vydrins W' bl Wrtjtf Ws tiler ijTafcd hefokariinEre3fdnrUkihreOh': qriWerJpart fbf'f hri backiw irb llie nil iiiphy siciansi dcuggistsand dll friends of tfieaf fiictrid wilhfetreftyido goodifvt )eyrecotnr dren and adults gratis rf agents Prices 50 cis a y'Hfei qtianttty ay wbolCTalel deaW6inUVMheharge towna and' cities ofi the Welt trial te AllEvv iikfi Onn Siealtlif 9 UhdPKfi 1 1 1 i Ll Uh As from her dep hs lh magic liquor nows To calni Offeringjm i jiiKGisBiUAMEvTrvjApont i Drugiev and Ch tp Or Icon Sr8 4rk aTi MNDKRtooi i JBtbM XYONriu WiynelDiinfg 6P4JU opfotpr DeciriesWXJliijie We have i ecetitly printed a large quanti ty otbe above hafoe'aBJanK4 to fpnJeliyerjitP 5 vyetnayeanq 'printed a edUiop of aateM pnees Atfe glso keep con stantly on handiall dcrjptions of blapk 1 geserallricNe teJLaa wiihher'angeiiceaT tUTfes lit as sweet as Heaven placds her rklijtavsy' pouty sweet sugar eggs tiBtrarw berry honey suckle Sun iower Jilybaby tart apple pie peach p'uddiog anpleuinplibgi gingerbread nectar Mips against your8()jand rinTU(pb2 Jert81cffi holdrius 1) busses ixo 1 Hnrralrifor thiQj Maine LaW and deatlutofall opposition i Houthenderi 'Mi'riitM) 'bluffs ''i moil le tii8i flburishirig'vilTag of Wris'a Irid from pri'sent Itnlicatidris willow Ytne! next tweitre irrintlX Has (JurYng tViree We present ten or twelve stores where may be found a general ai'snrtrrieri of merchandize' hardware' and stqre and harness oho' wiJgorYahrl Several mecfianic slioptogeili er With two good water powers capable of vn? i a dnving any necessary machinery and pos vdirt 'nb mot wu feessing an almost exhaustless reservoii iri the beautiful Jake that lies adjacent to the tITO lpdi f'q 7 itf Hui village One of these powers is improved Imq ikd tuiuy lliSi Km which Messrs prower Co nave a quh'Util 'v grist mill df the first class with two run bf yvr ft lol vd tiit' stones and we 16arn that it is their inteti liaJ ziauftf i hui tion tp erecL ghotlier uilding and put a mu wK M7f carding machine operation during the Hull ud "lOmi i next season1 Thia enterprise will add not wt num a little to the business of on place' (lur are three raf4 always well juid ih bsl" of Jl the time VtnA SU I 1ncyqmi J'pdJ considerably more than filled There are in ox fake three church edtT one Baptist one Method istand Crie Roman arid these socie i a sw1 perh a 10 gationahsts during the next summer vJ3 VawinJ PutUiiP tnllMll Thc recently erected Academy a fine fGTL tjf rX X4 vrnJ hie on an elevation a peau sp noW 1 I' i 'a Sib fa? piltk and we haveno doubt from the know ijiw least tyentyftYA 9 JhWiqaTO i next spring rjroni to qi' dur riitVfsiandrothqrs have bought hureandiWilL bwotiiGjjuchja? assuit able aocommpdatfonqanjid pjroyiQd fof ths ereetion of CQritemplHted LhujMffigoni4(xiuntjofrthe imossibility ofprocurjngneclianiellOji do tthebrkhr Jfaa? Lake Mo wd Political ofeecuiii of Theo dori? PaYkeris arrest for taking siderf against sriyaitW ItiiApbliticahprosikiUticri hand that such rite0GUtnfirire alwaystinwise: EyeryhO dy prosecution against ris By 7 kK 3Miiter iSharj poltyr cal bn as iiieh frjinHha flribri WedweYe BiriMrillt roriirili kejWabdjfprriweek or twq was? lliohtttily pefsori thriy puis nnder rest until the' pi blidr)rfcIigitM1'm ibWftr to arrest others J3ut we jiavi heard of 4 mVtifolhhm saying: that? Yv Bitty Aid ildt b'dre for the rest ifjihey conlT YJuM witneMw naiil' lisIAn'd thoir 3 Was 'kept' in kejaiimktf 'ttfedW5i)h'' Atyiityi short: time ago ri urged tbW Jww4r6Tlhbrie who should be Y5 Ryecraft and otKera: WbU trW will' feomriionce nnia little wX '4dfilf tfdwhfoiK Vha Golirt1 and Al JteiOl Ju Lj JvotUBe (KstonV rTpAKEN residingi inhe town ofc ClyirranjonHand own ed1 byhimjri'h 27 th day of November rBSX'oni d4k red Steerj with white' spotS'uridr hisibLlly andYabouteigbleen months old The owner is requested 'tbprove opropfiYtyf Jay charge aiidtakJt Swy'? 7 CustomWiirkSolicite'd Mr heonwd lyUUyUfe' by thisubscribe hiskiliirin'this'iviiJageJ te tafootl 85HHASGU ITOGU'OELrEICHI in ridl Att rneysarid jCounseloridti Laie jy Wiir attend with part of the statiMa tfUd and an Oyster Supper for the purpose of furnish Qat roveiCongrtationalCbuiPch will te helLai thrihouae bi John GraLY in Qak Groye pn7h rsday Dec Sth COT4I wiWJfterqdffof supply Af LaNPXR CTOAME intowia either (living twAmilcseastof JuMfuVqri SUBSCRIBER three doors south efiiqer a jearhpg tolrUie House iite simfs An J9W prepared to seu dned annles and neach a wwwi Ai 4 A uar uauK xne owner is requested to pay chargesand JakeJieriwaYHORXCETDEMINC WMJErivould calltheattentjonofrmert VKoyifa taniir Ifirrm ctrrb jKctfrs of the latest editions which are nt rnhlihrrc nrtAoe Rxr 1 Milwaukee (ulySc4 853 it? the subscriber eth a J7 TSleryfith a staHnhis forehead The owner is requested to preve property' pay charges and teke bimawayT 9t wohhxvf kiiCy D' STACK or prepared to sell dried apples arid peach 5 7 7 green Apples and Cider alA Cfroceriotrilj: TobsbCigafetf arid al kinds iaooTscx'o thijt 7 ly Idcpi'ors Brandy Gin and Wine' a A sick bvinjurinylbrie if used 'moderately Herringrdinos Oysters 7 in the shellrir can Taw by the cantor VeesrifoiiuBil qx thevshoitestbUctbcr3avbjcpr pri vate houses mv ehop Also agent for Patent Trnfe? additionsto inyj former stocked am Sell goods as cheap as CRnjdjeibtughtSiurthei State and" would respectfully 'invite citizens thhivicinity and otheivisiting the irib tasca)0More purchasing a elsewhere and theyl shall Soot be dissatisfied twith 'hquthty on price imJQHNlC LKWIS eau PecJ5th854: OiterobM 7 wM A RE NOW nDAILY REOEIVINGj AaJarge andplendidvHssortmenUof ashionable DTseftil alL ancEWinter Goods' from Nev? YorkSridP com prising almost every wanted in iheir line oi JradbJ part ofjahefollowjng jtiesat IU PW8mWffi4MY DRESSGOODSe' rench MerinoT'Cashi jncs Gi ngh am5)Berageq Pqpi linSjADrilliarit and evferyitbirigsaVr am oj 9itha6 can 'bn thought oPZdi io vforDresses nat uoir Affir bnii PRICES THAT CANNOT BE BETH Jal We have a4qrg SHA tflliKt Silk n'l eivery v'' tlialdciy competition A large invoice 'Afen Cotton iand JVbolen vStdckiitgsiflLO 'ruiniv Thhi rnceang Quality fbr ijneiomeu jaad! ri'Z XYtion cfc ng i Mi rig erii m' Shirting lannels BAlgisf( A Col tars tU nder sleeves tlndci 1 Cli nrisetts Lineir Qb'ttoiii Edgings insertions 'Pocket JlafitHcvtxJibJb 5 A Lneo Vdils IndisrBtJOk Burst Mtislins Gap Mb Laces and Trim Xil ten: loot I OfrfeVtty ''I'sRle ririd vhiu 9 Quality sif li liirigifi: tPift Ofilvnt assortment of Ribbons riitdd Ben net Ti i i mm ngqUvqry kind and priced jgsbfelBOud Mfif HardytrpfCeybrj and ehrtbs pird'fiiiil8 fells and 4u (ilia iAi(V Tin AA Xk fi ink iMt Milwaukee Market the Daily Sentinel ikee Dec 21185 l08 11 5 lOOIOO 21 5 7 7 rs7 i The Gals and thib Maine Law Orhe oung' ladies States itJa saidf'btill continue tb kiss the jiqfjthe tetiipbf fee pteyto luejj naveiDeeiiiamperingwiiiijiquor YWhoo they wbuld pass the Maine La iri Jiidiana arid our grils in tk J4c'i afw iiy ttifi "il rtLA df tWer it ben rich girl' approaching you lyoung temperance tl kMr the ladies be hbvb that ybbr re 'iri4 fa 'habit tarn per 7' 1ifjpiwkhrliquqrarfditheynuve appointed foufJes triblislifcdrtilbs riaro9ott' willing oq nbd acquie8beribh3cSfa' gently riteps close CftV6ii iliiliWlf Mhitariiarouixdl yriur rieck eVlfteh es back lira ven raises her syipbMiRero upon ner up roes liriri' round bbsomj turbs lit as sweet as heaven Wl ircu uuiurAi Os'iko Ji at nie onlv fea by an ecelleut farming 7countiyand one of locatiOTs inthe State it cannot fail tq be air i mpor tanf business point 7Two years since therq was not a store in the place and hardlyi bridge'haslbecn built irrieri'bf enterprise and capital have moved and the village j9go in true wester 31 4i Vu a isiHtowr MM teiffil welhnlled stores and each doing a Targe Rowley driMumbrue have 'J 'u i'siti finoi ILi favorably with many of ou city fiv' ssf' sriyiv yrhtn Webster fc Co and Mr Christiansen have also eachgoqd siO off gQQdWt: The peo ple there have also erected the present eea son olrie Ml Jiest Lclifeol haVerieeh fOur frieiid Hamiltoripof thd iskth'rdrigetl 9 with s' customersji! The? 'steam located there haspaseoef into the bandsudrheii'tdwiiiq'k8iat4 tviio' averyioby'knowk is boun3' toIrie ahead whatever he tbifi tMtbkehs'live sori allocation tb talce a si od li III hSome Deaco'ri 3Asa of the town of soldrtollale And Ayer yesterday lb hcrgfUnot 1 8'hibntfa old at: the ''iwere7sln(iliterfed: Which weighedi'espectively asJbllows504 463 450 472 525f 560 567'479 WhenWetjhearof tbis being bbaLhwd (nayfipd jsdfaethjng better torecord in this XweJCenoshgTeiZthvinst Viffi Li'i fl ly qnd our streets are pretty well crowded with'losldJbf like to have 'fcbrtfefof'bur staid NeW: England friends whereifarmers raise one hog apiece aP4 of toyjipgrkfaqp ingthe better half for home consumption tdok iupori abuiMlUW 'Tfa amount' brought in would astonish fifid wou 1 wond Cr Av hferb alMH4 faW ers lived to raise the corn to fatten the pbrk tLatj qjue into lbismarketr itthenlet them Jool upon our broacLflelds and busy husbandmen in the summer timeandtiiy would ceae to wonder Atthis' very mo ment we yan count from tlje narrow view of our sanctum window sixteeif loads of pork anH more 'Tfie ipterstipes of the sifeets are filled in ivitH loads ofraiii' and other products finT tfficle mmbcoachOfindrHttriifldltget: pass ongH Gteatconntc 1 3" 'nwa Wisconsin Money The editor bfiillri oriW ingtbrisays: Uv i 'y 'si? fbi vd 'fto buDuring theexistence b7 the predent hank io I frpm Wisconsin for gold anq silver instead of bank bills for tiieir Wfeto' exfantes? crimination between tho'P'good andbad WefcternnbanksTTra are abooed feasts Cf pawngeppt between Harnsburgh and Baltimore in formed me that be iiadeehrilitlged'l self fidf Racme'bilPfdi fifty cen ts' onithd tdbllar as he icon Id dtr noribet terwrihpjt and reqiiredatfaqgmvuntla reach his destination Wisconsin current cyrsuffere from Jfa? identified tmndfrrif Easter' tUt111 hota aiuLIndianaJ Theotmd bfisia'of rdW banking system isjuol generally understood alo wod aSET 1 he new locomotive ountain Citg lAfad RV! fnomirigi last andi is now doing fcegblar ilutyiq thewayofrunT fpur ti mes a day with immense loadsof saw logrithq impaired duririgthe winter and will be used nox in the i business tha way of transporting logs river end 'of oW duLat Uhin: fid: 'fu yitjind udj Mrnuri 1 4 "TTtJJ fe(Xf A7? A Jpan called at that about seven years Ago he stole from therira iedeofiron Had him ver since and XhVhe JiacL come to pay 'for it jts value Was 5 cts i his conscience Aenri(r7 ad riL VH0O I Railroad The Jeffersonian says: Railroad ties are being brought inland ifavTifrd ifftfAfiTities'will be ririf Au VthisLwinteri YAlUy RoadCoriipAriy fftetof timfariah'dnYffis urityfoKtlfe! its of a situa isfk hft osure isvotLoem ilall ffil Adfck VI Vflfi VilViC lU UUllIieclIUll WnQ EBH8O 54 fflWSP MJM! nl 1 Maj LLUJ 1 1 4 11 03 ID ngwp: HKrSST Si y'' YvEpi Bit it JV4 kJ JPSU JXniterwhea tfte proceed JSpHfigAda PS IJlsW! MJ' fcwr ffl Kit rk few tv.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.